NIPO Fieldwork System Version 1.14

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Response Code Parameters

Parameters for the RESPC parameter in the survey settings, in the following format:

RESPC=<recalltime>[,<recalltimeapp>],[,specification][,specification][, ...]

Explanation Remark and Specification column

indication means response code


For AVAIL response codes, The recalltime value sets the minimum number of minutes the NIPO CATI / Web Master must wait before distributing the sample record again. This is used to give respondents time to put down the phone or get home before the next contact. To prioritize sample records to be called as soon as possible after the recall time has passed, specify BUSY in the parameters


Sets the minimum number of minutes the NIPO CATI / Web Master must wait if this response code was selected as the result of following up an appointment (in other words, if the previous contact was an appointment). This is used to ensure that when respondents cannot be reached because the line is busy, the recall time can be made shorter than the default recall time


Response code is listed in the appointment response code list. This list appears when the interviewer makes an appointment, or upon execution of the NIPO ODIN script command *NONRESP "A"


Response code is listed in the interrupted interview response code list. This list appears when the interviewer cancels an ongoing interview, or upon execution of the NIPO ODIN script command *NONRESP "E"


Response code is listed in the initial response code list. This is the list that appears when the interviewer makes a call attempt, or upon execution of the NIPO ODIN script command *NONRESP "I"


Pops up an appointment dialog


Prioritizes the sample record to be called again soon after the recall time has passed. This happens after all appointments have been tried, and before trying any other sample records


Address available for interviewing


Interview marked as refusal, not available for interviewing


Interview not available for interviewing


Switch from NIPO CATI Client to Web Client


Interview is stored in data



See Also