Most of the system and file notifications, generated by the NIPO CATI / Web Master, concern specified folders and files (and records of files) used by surveys.
Event Type
No survey folder configured
The survey folder is not specified. Configure a valid survey folder using the NIPO CATI / Web Manager
Survey folder not found
The specified survey folder does not exist, or it is an inaccessible network folder
Error in file : <file name>
An error is found in the structure of a file used by the NIPO Fieldwork System. In most cases this notification is followed by a detailed notification about the actual structural error
Error in N-file <file name>
There is an error in a survey INI file. This may be an invalid configuration entry or a wrong file format (non-ASCII)
Error in S-file <file name>
There is an error in an S-file (stratification). Empty lines or invalid formatting of stratification cells cause this error
Record length error in <file name>
A row in the given file is too long or too short. Check the survey files section for more information.
Error in record : <record number>
An error is found in the structure of a record of a file used by the NIPO Fieldwork System. In most cases this notification is preceded by a global notification about the file in which the error was found (see above)
Missing registry entry <entry name>
A required configuration setting in missing in the registry. Use the NIPO CATI / Web Manager to reconfigure
User limit reached
More than the maximum number of concurrent interviewers attempted to connect
Client Windows not found
The connection with a respondent in the NIPO CAWI system was lost