NIPO Fieldwork System Version 1.14
Enable NIPO CATI / Web Manager Logging
For support reasons, the NIPO Software Helpdesk may require you to send log files of the NIPO CATI / Web Manager for inspection. Logging can be switched on by adding a three keys to the registry of the workstation:
For the current user
Root key (64-bit): [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\WOW6432Node\NIPO\NIPO CATI Manager\Settings]
Root key (32-bit): [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\NIPO\NIPO CATI Manager\Settings]
For all users
Root key (64-bit): [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\WOW6432Node\NIPO\NIPO CATI Manager\Settings]
Root key (32-bit): [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\NIPO\NIPO CATI Manager\Settings]
Registry setting for logging on the NIPO CATI / Web Manager
Folder to store the logs. The folder must exist and the logged in user must have read / write permission on the folder.
Level of logging where 0 means no logging and the height of the value specifies the log detail (maximum 5). High values may impact performance of the NIPO CATI / Web Manager
The number of logs to store at maximum. Very high values might impact performance of the NIPO CATI / Web Manager
The result is a folder with a list of files with the name ManagerActionsLog.nnn where nnn is a follow-up number. Number 001 is always the the last file.