NIPO ODIN Version 5.17Questions and AnswersClosed question A question where the answer is expected to be a choice from a fixed number of answer categories. Answer code category One of the possible answers defined for a (semi-)closed question. Open question A question where the answer is expected to be entered literally as text. Semi-closed question A question where the answer is expected to be a choice from a fixed number of answer categories and where choosing certain answer categories will show a box to enter the answer literally as text. Open-ended answer The literal text of an answer entered for an open or semi-closed or open question. Numerical question A question where an answer is expected to be a numerical value. Text question A question where an answer is expected to be text of limited length. Answer code A numeric value which is stored in the U-file when an answer category is chosen. Answer field A (series of) positions in the U-file where answer codes, values or texts are stored. |