NIPO ODIN Version 5.17



Ends the questionnaire or subparts of it.




In general this command defines the end of the questionnaire or subparts of it. This command is also allowed under condition. With subparts a physical unconditional end is always required. The action of this command depends on the context. We distinguish the following:

  • Termination of the questionnaire. The interview is marked as a successful interview. All data is stored to the appropriate files. In the T-file / Sample table record, if present, the response code for 'successful' is stored.
  • Termination of the initial part (with the *INIT command). An unconditional physical end is required.
  • Termination of a repetition block (*REPEAT). If *END is used within a repetition block, the repetition will be ended. The current repetition and all not yet executed repetitions, if any, will not be executed.

Example 1

Do you own a DVD recorder?

1: Yes
2: No *GOTO 99

Did you use your DVD recorder yesterday?

1: Yes
2: No

*QUESTION 3 *CODES 98 *IF [ Q2,1 ]
Did you use it for playback or recording?

1: Playback
2: Recording
3: Both

This was my final question. Thank you for your co-operation.

Then I don’t have any questions for you. Thank you.


Example 2

*REPNUM 1 *PUT statement "good quality"
*REPNUM 2 *PUT statement "value for money"
*REPNUM 3 *PUT statement "user friendly"

Philips DVD recorders are...


1: Applies
2: Does not apply

9: Does not know Philips DVD recorders at all *END


In this example three statements about Philips DVD recorders are asked. When the respondent does not know Philips DVD recorders at all, there is no need to ask any further statements and the repeat loop will be terminated. Due to the *RANDOM command, this can be in any of the 3 statements.

See Also