NIPO ODIN Version 5.17
*FONT (definition)
Defines a font.
*FONT <n> <"size facename [style] [(R G B, R G B)]">
Specifies the size, font typeface name, style and foreground and background colors of a font. Argument n is used to identify the font when the font is selected. The font description arguments must be enclosed by double quotes (" ) and can be specified in any order. Font 0 does not have to be specified since it is the default font. The default font is the font that is used for every question where no font is selected. If font 0 is re-defined then the new font definition is used as the default font.
n Positive integer used to identify the font.
size Point size of the font.
facename Name of the font. This font must be installed under Windows.
style The following styles are available: bold, italic, underline, strikeout. Styles can be combined, they must be separated by at least one space.
(R G B, R G B) This argument specifies the foreground and background colors in RGB (Red-Green-Blue) values. R, G, B are in the range of 0-255 inclusive, where r is the amount of red, g is the amount of green and b is the amount of blue. If only a foreground color has to be specified this can be done by using (R G B) ; If only a background color has to be specified this can be done by: (,R G B) .
Black is (0 0 0); white is (255 255 255); red is (255 0 0) et cetera.
If a requested font is not installed, Microsoft Windows will choose a font in the same family of fonts.
*FONT 0 "10 Courier" *FONT 1 "8 ARIAL" *FONT 2 "8 ARIAL bold" *FONT 3 "12 Times New Roman" *FONT 4 "16 Courier (255 0 0)" *FONT 5 "18 Roman (,255 0 0)" *FONT 6 "25 Script (255 0 0, 0 128 255)" *FONT 7 "10 WingDings " *FONT 8 "10 ARIAL ITALIC" *FONT 9 "10 ARIAL BOLD UNDERLINE" *FONT 10 "10 ARIAL strikeout"