NIPO ODIN Version 5.17



Jumps to a question.


*GOTO <n|[expression]>


This command can be used on separate line, after a filter expression, on a code of a *CODES question and on a response code in the survey configuration file of a NIPO CATI survey (to end the interview gracefully with closing remarks or questions).

If used on a category it has to be on the same line as the code number definition. If the code is selected, the interview continues with the question specified. This command can also be used unconditionally. However, jumping into or out of a subroutine or repetition block is not allowed.

If used on a response code of a NIPO CATI survey, the jump is made once the interviewer selects the code through the non-response list, for example:

RESPC31T=Stop interview, jump to final questions *GOTO 9001

Any specifications for the code are ignored but they must exist. Make sure the indicated question exists and that the questionnaire is appropriately terminated afterwards, using for example *ENDST.


This is a positive integer or expression that indicates an existing question. Make sure that the expression always refers to an existing question number, to avoid a run-time error during the interview, that will terminate the interview in a survey error during fieldwork.


If you jump back in your NIPO ODIN questionnaire to a question that is specified before the current position, a the message "Warning: Jump to previous question" appears during a syntax check in the NIPO ODIN Developer.

  • When you jump back to correct or change answers previously entered, consider using the *BACK command instead of *GOTO. This shows the answers on previous questions that were entered, but will also automatically clear any answers given on a previous questionnaire routing.
  • Rather than jumping to a previous question to create a loop, it is recommended to use a *REPEAT loop to avoid creating an endless loop and / or problems when exporting questions. This also avoids issues when an interview is suspended to be followed up later.

When you jump (unconditionally) across some questions, the syntax check in the NIPO ODIN Developer gives an overview of questions that are never used:

Info: Overview of unused questions:
Info: Question <n> in line <x>
Info: Question <m> in line <y>

Note that NIPO ODIN Developer might consider questions as unused, due to complex filters that always evaluate to false, but in fact might be true during an interview (for example due to expressions based on random numbers or the contents of a sample field). Consider rewriting the filter in a less complex format.

Example 1

Do you have a driver's license?

1: Yes
2: No *GOTO 26

Example 2

Do you have a driver's license?

1: Yes
2: No

*IF [Q10,2] *GOTO 26

In both examples, those with a driver’s license continue with the first question after Q10, the others go to Q26.

See Also