NIPO ODIN Version 5.17



Defines the introduction page.


*INTRO [n]


Defines the introduction page text. For each channel (NIPO CATI, NIPO CAWI, NIPO CAPI or NIPO CASI) a separate introduction text may be defined. The text consists of all following lines up to the first new command that is at the beginning of a line with the exception of **, *? and *FONT (switching). You may define *INTRO text per language section if required, but only one *INTRO definition per channel per language may be specified.


This is the channel number or one of the predefined channel constants: _CATI_, _CAPI_, _CAWI_ and _CASI_. Expressions are not allowed. If omitted, the introduction text is used for all channels that do not have their own introduction text defined.


  • If n is the number of an unknown channel a warning message will be given. It is not considered an error because it may represent a valid channel in a future version of the software.


*SAMPLEDATA TTAppointmentName

This is the introduction for NIPO CATI Clients only.

*?AGENTNAME, please call the telephone number that is displayed on top of this screen.

Introduction for CAWI (Web) Clients only.

*?TTAppointmentName, please press the <Start> button, to start the interview.

See Also