NIPO ODIN Version 5.17



Randomly displays codes in inverted order.


*INV [[pos]L<length>]


This command can be used in two ways:

  • In combination with a closed question. It must be specified on the same line as the question definition. The answer codes and the descriptions of the question are shown either top-to-bottom or bottom-to-top, randomly.
  • On a single command line without arguments. Use the command on a separate line to make inversion of categories respondent consistent across a single interview. NIPO ODIN first randomly selects an inversion (top-to-bottom or bottom-to-top) and then uses the selected inversion for all *INV questions in the current interview.


The data field specification where the order of the displayed categories is stored in the data file with the closed answers.

The length of the data field. Note that it is not useful to store more than one code, since the order of the codes is obvious from the first value.


  • The position specified after *INV is only stored if the list was displayed inverted.
  • The *NOCON command excludes answer codes from inversion.

Example 1

To what extent do you agree?

1: Totally agree
2: Agree
3: Don’t agree\don’t disagree
4: Disagree
5: Totally disagree
6: Don’t know *NOCON

In this example, the answer is stored in position 61. In position 71, code 5 is stored if the list was inverted. The *NOCON ensures code 6 is always displayed at the bottom of the list.

Example 2


*REPNUM 1: *PUT brand "Acer"
*REPNUM 2: *PUT brand "IBM"
*REPNUM 3: *PUT brand "Tulip"
What do you think is the quality of *?brand ?

1: Very good
2: Good
3: Poor
4: Very poor


In this example either all questions (in this case only Q2) are displayed in regular order or inverted, consistently throughout th entire interview.