NIPO ODIN Version 5.17
NIPO CAPI and NIPO CATI Stand-alone only.
Inserts a questionnaire.
*MERGE [startpos] <filename> [:C]
The specified questionnaire file is inserted on the place of this command. *MERGE can not be used in a questionnaire that is already merged itself.
startpos The start position with which all fixed data fields in the merged questionnaire will be raised. All data fields that are not fixed will be reserved as usual in consecutive positions.
filename Name of the questionnaire that has to be merged. The name must comply with the questionnaire naming conventions. Note that the last character Q in the filename must be included.
:C The questionnaire that should be merged is coded (encrypted), so it can not be viewed, opened or changed by the interviewer or respondent. The questionnaire can be encrypted with the NIPO Software program DECODE.EXE . By default merged questionnaires are uncoded (plain ASCII text), which means that they could be viewed or changed by the interviewer or respondent.
- The questionnaire to be merged has to have fixed data fields.
- The
*MERGE command is intended for the NIPO CAPI System or NIPO Interview System stand-alone. When using *MERGE in the NIPO Fieldwork System, the questionnaire that should be merged must be placed on the local drive of the interviewer workstation. - No start position can be defined if the questionnaire is to be merged in a language section.
- The
*MERGE command cannot be used conditionally as it is evaluated when the questionnaire is loaded into memory.
Example 1
The questionnaire with the name BCKGRNDQ is merged into the main questionnaire at startup.
Example 2
*QUESTION 100 *CODES L1 Please type in the language code. You can change the language code via the Language menu.
1: English
*QUESTION 1 *CODES L1 question in English
1: Yes 2: No
*QUESTION 2 *CODES L1 second question in English
1: Yes 2: No
*QUESTION 3 *CODES L1 *IF [ Q100,2 ] third question only in Dutch
1: Yes 2: No
In this example, a questionnaire with the name DUTCHQ is merged into the Dutch language section of the main questionnaire and a questionnaire with the name GERMANQ will be merged into the German language section of the main questionnaire.