NIPO ODIN Version 5.17
Does not clear the screen at new question.
This command is always used in combination with *QUESTION or *PAGE and must be specified after these commands on the same line. During the interview, the screen will not be cleared when this question is dealt with. The question is placed under the previous question on the screen. If all vertical screen lines are used, the text will scroll off the top of the screen and a scrollbar will appear.
If the screen does not scroll automatically, you can use the scroll bar to scroll the screen.
*QUESTION 1 *CODES 61 Do you own a DVD player?
1: Yes 2: No
*QUESTION 2 *OPEN 62L10 *MULTI *IF [Q1,1] *NCLS What is the brand of your DVD player?
In this example, the screen is not cleared when question 2 comes up: