NIPO ODIN Version 5.17



Starts a new sub-questionnaire.


*NEW [n|Qn]


Defines the start of a new sub-questionnaire. This command must be specified at the beginning of a line. A sub-questionnaire forms a closed set of questions. Question numbers and answer fields may match question numbers and answer fields of another sub-questionnaire without consequences. For each sub-questionnaire a separate answer record is stored. Variables are always known throughout the entire questionnaire.

The function of this command is to deal with several subjects, for instance from different researchers, in the same interview or to store separate records for each member of a household or to store data over 99,999 positions per record.


The position of the record from where the answers of the previous questionnaire will be cleared.

The question reference of the data field from where the answers of the previous questionnaire will be cleared.


  • If this argument is given you may still refer to data fields that are lower than the specified data field.
  • If the argument is omitted the default position is 61.
  • After a *NEW you can always refer to questions in previous sub-questionnaire(s). However if you use a question number again in a new sub-questionnaire, it will refer to the question in the current sub-questionnaire. You are not allowed to store any thing in a previous sub-questionnaire.