NIPO ODIN Version 5.17
Create or update a Sample record to be used in same telephonic contact.
*NEXTRECORD Variable "SampleTableField1=text1, SampleTableField2 =text2,… "
Use the *NEXTRECORD command in a NIPO ODIN questionnaire, to create a new Sample record or to update an existing Sample record, so it can be used in the same telephone contact. The purpose of this is to perform multiple interviews during a single telephonic contact, and maintain sample records per respondent if required.
- Once the current interview is completed (either as a successful interview or with any non-response code), the system automatically restarts the interview with the sample records that were updated or created during the interview without disconnecting the telephone line or ending the interview.
- Once the
*NEXTRECORD command is executed successfully the Variable contains the interview number of the updated or created record.
Variable This is a variable that contains a value 0 up to and including 99999999, which is used as Interview Number.
- When 0 (zero) is specified as the interview number, the system creates a new sample table record and assigns an interview number automatically. This interview number will be based on the highest value for the field
InterviewNumber in the Sample table, or as defined in the StartIntnr=<nr> setting specified in the Survey Configuration file. This record contains a copy of all the fields of the active record which are known by the system (used in the script or in the survey configuration file). The system fields are automatically initialized and the specified sample table fields are updated with the configured values. - If the
InterviewNumber does not yet exist in the Sample table a new record with the specified interview number is created. This record will contain a copy of all the fields of the active record known by the system (as set in the survey configuration file). The system fields are also initialized and the specified sample table fields are updated with the configured values. - When the
InterviewNumber already exists in the Sample table, that Sample record will be updated with the given information. The system fields are initialized and the Sample table fields that are specified are updated. - After successful execution
Variable contain the InterviewNumber of the new or updated record. If the execution of the *NEXTRECORD fails, the variable will contain a (negative) return code. For details, see Return Codes for *NEXTRECORD.
"SampleTableField1=text1, SampleTableField2=text2,… "
Set the contents of database fields in the Sample table. This string may be left empty using double quotes.
- The specified Sample table fields must exist in the Sample table and must have been previously defined with the
*SAMPLEDATA command. Text1 , Text2 , may contain spaces and / or references to (system) variables.- Texts should not be embedded in quotes. Any quotes will be considered part of the text.
- Expressions are not supported. Use the
*PUT command to first evaluate expressions. - Values set to fields are truncated to the size of the sample table field.
- The interviewer can not go back in the questionnaire after a
*NEXTRECORD is executed. You do not need to specify a *NOTBACK command in the questionnaire. - Whenever a copy of the active record is made, the new record includes any changes made to the active record during the interview.
- When used in an omnibus survey the
*NEXTRECORD command cannot be used to update the records of the omnibus table. *NEXTRECORD requires communication between NIPO CATI / Web Master and NIPO FMS Server. Check the configuration with your system administrator.
You may not change the contents of the following system fields (system variables):
InterviewNumber (TTInterviewNumber) Status (TTAvailabilityCode) ResponseCode (TTStatusCode) NumberOfContacts (TTNumberOfContacts) ContactTime (TTContactTime) SystemData (TTSystemData) InterviewerNumber (TTInterviewerNumber) ID (TTID) SuspendImage Channel
Any changes in system fields are ignored without warning. The values for these fields will be equal to those of an initial NIPO CATI record claimed by the NIPO Fieldwork System.
Example 1
*PUT NewNumber [ 0 ] *NEXTRECORD NewNumber "TTDisplayField1=*?Name"
The system creates a new Sample record. The NIPO Fieldwork System defines the new InterviewNumber . The field DisplayField1 is set to the text variable NAME . All other fields are copied from the current sample record. All system fields are initialized. Once the interview ends, the questionnaire restarts for this newly created sample record.
Example 2
*SAMPLEDATA TTInterviewNumber *PUT NewNumber [ TTInterviewNumber ]
*REPEAT 9 *IF [?R > FamilySize ] *END *PUT NewNumber [ NewNumber + 1 ] *IF [?R > 1] *NEXTRECORD NewNumber "TTDisplayField1=*?Name[?R]" *ENDREP
The system creates new Sample records dependent on the family size stored in the variable FamilySize . The new interview number is based on the original InterviewNumber value. This requires that these interview numbers do not yet exist - the original sample must contain pre-set interview numbers with "gaps" of 9 records. The field DisplayField1 is stored with the name of the family members that have previously been stored in the Name array.. All other sample record fields are copied from the current record. All system fields are automatically initialized.