NIPO ODIN Version 5.17
*SAVE (question option)
Saves the answer of a question in a variable.
*SAVE <var>
This command is always used in combination with *QUESTION and must be specified after this command on the same line. The answer on a question is saved in a variable. If it is a numeric variable the code value or the number is saved. If it is a text variable with a closed question with precoded answers the label of the code is saved. Saving an answer text is particularly of use if you want to insert this text in a subsequent question (dynamic text modification).
May not be used in a single question in combination with *SAVE as a code option. If used on a *MULTI question, it saves the highest selected code (text) only.
var Any (alpha)-numerical variable or anyof the ten system variables. If the argument is omitted system variable 0 is used by default.
*TEXTVARS PARTY *QUESTION 5 *CODES 81 *SAVE PARTY Which party will you vote for in the next election?
1: Conservative union 2: Social democrats 3: Liberals 4: Greens 5: Communists
6: Other party *OPEN 7: None *GOTO 7
*QUESTION 6 *CODES 82 Did you also vote for the *? PARTY in the previous election?
1: Yes 2: No