NIPO ODIN Version 5.17*SUBROUTINE ... *ENDSUBPurpose Defines a subroutine. Syntax
Description Defines the start of a subroutine. This command has to be at the beginning of a line. This command is always used in combination with A subroutine consists of a set of commands and questions that the system considers as a special component. When a subroutine is called in the questionnaire the system executes the commands in the subroutine. It is as if the commands in the subroutine are inserted where the subroutine was called. The answer fields in a subroutine will be considered relative. When a subroutine is called the system uses the position in the In a subroutine you can call subroutines recursively with a maximum depth limited by the computer memory and the 99999 data positions available for NIPO ODIN. Subroutines can also be called after a Arguments
Remarks It is not allowed to jump out of a subroutine by means of the Example *TEXTVARS BRAND |