NIPO ODIN Version 5.17
Switches to another (predefined) language.
*SWILANG "[name]"
With this command it is possible to switch to another language during the interview. The command has the same effect as choosing the language from the Language menu in the NIPO CATI Client and the NIPO CAPI Client. The name in the syntax has to match the name of the language section.
name This is the name of the language section that NIPO ODIN refers to. To switch to the default language you can omit a name.
- The double quotes around the section name are mandatory.
- In
NIPOSYS.INI the following setting applies: SwilangDisablesLanguageSwitch = n . When turning this setting on (n = 1), the Language menu is disabled so that the interviewer can not switch languages. Default = 0 (language switch enabled). - The default language, containing the actual questionnaire logic, is always considered English - even if it isn't. When your source questionnaire is not in English, but English is one of the translations, use for example
*QUESTION 1 *CODES 201 Interviewer: choose a language
1: Dutch *SWILANG "Dutch" 2: German *SWILANG "German" 3: French *SWILANG "French" 4: English *SWILANG ""
*QUESTION 2 *CODES 202 Do you have a dog?
1: Yes 2: No
*LANGUAGE "Dutch" *QUESTION 2 Heeft u een hond?
1: Ja 2: Nee
*LANGUAGE "German" *QUESTION 2 Haben Sie einen Hund?
1: Ja 2: Nein
*LANGUAGE "French" *QUESTION 2 Avez vous un chien?
1: Oui 2: Non