NIPO ODIN Version 5.17
Scenario 1: Using System-defined Interview Numbers
This scenario applies the following directives:
- We start the survey with household records (each household a separate record).
- For the first respondent in the household we ask the family size and the names of all family members.
- For each extra respondent in the family a new family member record is created.
- The system defines the interview numbers to be used for these new records.
- When the second, third, et cetera family member are interviewed, the screener questions about family size are skipped.
- For each extra family member a new record is created in the data file.
Extra Sample table fields for scenario 1
New household record
Family #1
New household record
Family #2
New household record
Family #3
Example NIPO ODIN questionnaire for *NEXTRECORD : scenario 1
*SAMPLEDATA TTDisplayField1, TTDisplayField2 *SAMPLEDATA AskHousehold, FamilySize, TTInterviewNumber *TEXTVARS Name[9],NewNumber
*TAB 30
************************************************* **** Ask household situation only first time **** *************************************************
*IF [AskHousehold <> 1] *GOTO 3
*QUESTION 1 *NUMBER 61L1 *SAVE FamilySize How many family members are in this household?
*REPEAT 9 *IF [?R <= Q1] *INCLUDE Q1001 [?R] *ENDREP
*QUESTION 2 *FORM *CONTROL Q1001 W What are the names of your family members?
1: 1st person *ALPHA 71L35 *SAVE Name[1] 2: 2nd person *ALPHA 106L35 *SAVE Name[2] 3: 3rd person *ALPHA 141L35 *SAVE Name[3] 4: 4th person *ALPHA 176L35 *SAVE Name[4] 5: 5th person *ALPHA 211L35 *SAVE Name[5] 6: 6th person *ALPHA 246L35 *SAVE Name[6] 7: 7th person *ALPHA 281L35 *SAVE Name[7] 8: 8th person *ALPHA 316L35 *SAVE Name[8] 9: 9th person *ALPHA 351L35 *SAVE Name[9]
*PUT TTDisplayField1 '*?Name[1]' *PUT AskHousehold [0]
*REPEAT 9 *CONTROL Q1001 W *** make sure that the NewNumber variable is reset *** before each call to *NEXTRECORD! *PUT NewNumber [0] *IF [?R > 1] *NEXTRECORD NewNumber "TTDisplayField1=*?Name[?R], \ FamilySize=*?FamilySize, AskHousehold=*?AskHousehold" *ENDREP
****************************************************** *** Questions for all family members ***************** ******************************************************
*QUESTION 3 *CODES 386L1 Does *?TTDisplayField1 have his/her own mobile telephone?
1: Yes 2: No
*QUESTION 4 *OPEN 387L1 *IF [Q3,1] Who is the provider of that mobile telephone?
*QUESTION 9999 These were all questions for *?TTDisplayField1.
If any persons left in the household, the interview is restarted for the next.
The field AskHouseHold is used to skip the screening questions if further household members are interviewed.
If the value of NewNumber is set to 0, the *NEXTRECORD command creates a record and automatically assigns an unused InterviewerNumber value. For any value in the range 1-99999999, it attempts to create a record with that InterviewNumber value. Make sure that the NewNumber variable is initialized in the *REPEAT loop every time. If you forget to initialize it with zero, it would attempt to either create or update consecutive records with the given value, which results in a runtime error message "Error in *NEXTRECORD: Sample record [n] is not valid for interviewing" . A failed attempt to create or update a record returns the value -1 for NewNumber .
Note that the InterviewNumber values created by the system are not linked to the original family member records. If you require a link between these values, it is highly recommended to save a family member ID with the sample records.