The following is an overview of NIPO CATI Client command line parameters that may be set in the application shortcut. The settings specify startup behavior, connection settings, and optionally a NIPO CATI Client sub-module to start (Watch, Data Entry).
Show a dialog box to ask interviewer / data entry typist to type a survey name and then start the application with the specified survey. This should be an existing survey on the NIPO Fieldwork System.
Start the NIPO CATI Client with the specified survey. This should be an existing survey on the NIPO Fieldwork System.
(omitting one of the above)
Wait for the NIPO CATI / Web Manager to assign a survey to the (waiting) NIPO CATI Client application
-KEY "[key]"
Specifies the access key to use to connect must match StationKey field in Interviewer table). For remote CATI workstations and remote watch. This option must be specified before all options below.
-TELNR "[telephone number]
For remote workstations using a dialer, this setting specifies the telephone number the dialer must dial to reach this workstation. It overrides the RemoteTelnr field value in the StationKeys or Interviewer table. This option must be specified before all options below.
Start the NIPO CATI Client locally, not connecting to the NIPO CATI / Web Master. The survey can be selected via a File > Open dialog box. When also a name or question mark was specified the survey will be started from the working folder.
Can not be combined with /N or /W .
/N name
Connect the NIPO CATI Client to the specified NIPO CATI / Web Master. If this NIPO CATI / Web Master is not present, do not start. May require the /P parameter.
Start the NIPO CATI Client in test mode. Sample and data remain unmodified. *INSTRUC pages are shown to the interviewer.
Start the NIPO CATI Client in instruction mode. Sample and data remain unmodified. *INSTRUC pages are shown to the interviewer. Interviewers who attended the instruction are prompted for identification and stored in the Interviewer Log.
/Q nnn
Start with interviewer / data entry typist number nnn , if the specified interviewer will always use the current workstation. Note that the configuration may not permit duplicate logins using the same interviewer number, with the exception of interviewer number 0.
Allow resizing of the window. The size is stored for the next session.
The screen size is saved in the ScreenPosition in NIPOSYS.INI .
Put the NIPO CATI Client always on top
/P protocol
Connect using the specified protocol. Always used in combination with /N
ncacn _np = named pipes
ncacn_ip_tcp = TCP / IP using RPC name
PureTcpIp = TCP/IP (requires port number)
Enable showing variable contents
Start using ‘mini-master’ (used by NIPO ODIN Developer only)
/W [ID]
Start in Watch mode. Allows selecting an interviewer or workstation from a set of surveys. Used to create a stand-alone watch station. Optionally a workstation ID may be passed if the watch station should always watch a dedicated workstation
Start in Data Entry mode.
Start in Data Entry double punch mode.