NIPO Fieldwork System Version 1.14
Setting up an Interviewer Authentication Key
Interviewer authentication keys are set up using the NIPO FMS. Start the NIPO FMS and select the Interviewers, Details tab. In the AuthenticationKey field, press Create Key to set up a secure key. Use this key in the -KEY parameter or Settings option in the NIPO CATI Client. To revoke the key, simply clear it - after revoking the remote interviewer using a workstation with the specified key will no longer be able to connect to the service.
Upon first connection of the interviewer, the field AuthenticationStation lists the workstation name on which the AuthenticationKey was first used. Subsequent connections require that this station matches the station used during the first connection, to prevent reusing keys on other workstations. For added security, you can also preset this field with a value if you know the workstation name in advance.
Finally, in call centers using a dialer you may specify the remote telephone number of the interviewer in the RemoteTelnr field.