NIPO ODIN Version 5.17
Interview Progress Estimation
The tags <DIV ID="ODINPROGRESSCOMPLETEDTEXT"> and <DIV ID="ODINPROGRESSREMAININGTEXT> represent percentages of completed and remaining questions respectively. The following applies:
- All
*DUMMY questions are ignored for progress estimations. - Null-evaluating filter questions and questions without text are counted for progress estimations. These can therefore be used to invisibly influence the progress bar.
- Estimations are made for the number of questions presented through
*REPEAT and *GOSUB blocks. - The progress bar can always jump forward disproportionately as it is subject to questionnaire routing and filtering.
- By design, the progress bar never actually reaches 100% even though rounding may cause it to occasionally hit 100% on very large questionnaires. The relocation page is considered to be the '100% page'. You can optionally include a completed progress bar on this page.