NIPO ODIN Version 5.17
Template Tags
The NIPO HTML Generator translates the question into HTML code and parses this code into the Template. When this generated HTML code is parsed into the template file, the parser looks for additional tags that it can use as points of insertion. It looks for the following tags:
- The
<head> tag - The
<body> tag - The insertion point:
These three tags are used in the following way: First the parser will scan for the <head> tag where it can (optionally) insert links to common CSS files based on the current survey- and / or question-settings. Then it scans the <body> tag for the <div> tag containing the ODINSERVLETINSERTIONPOINT (case-sensitive) as its id and inserts the questionnaire interface there. If this tag is not found, the questionnaire interface is inserted at the <body> tag.
If no template can be found, an empty HTML file is created by the system.
Bare minimum example of a basic template
<html> <head> <title>Example template</title> </head> <body> <div id='ODINSERVLETINSERTIONPOINT'></div> </body> </html>
Besides determining where the interview will be inserted, the parser also scans for:
<DIV ID="ODINPROGRESSCOMPLETEDTEXT"> and <DIV ID="ODINPROGRESSREMAININGTEXT"> . These insertion points can be used to build a progress meter with a text-indication of the progress.<DIV ID="ODINSHOWDOCUMENTPOINT"> is the element where the command *SHOWDOCUMENT can open its link.<DIV ID="ODINMMFILEINSERTIONPOINT"> is the element where multimedia started with *PLAY are placed.<DIV ID="ODINCONJOINTPROGRESS"> is the element where the text profile [n] of [m] in NIPO Conjoint is placed (NIPO CAWI only).<DIV ID="POWEREDBYNIPOSOFTWARE"> is the element where the NIPO Software copyright line is placed.
All other tags in the template file are ignored. This allows the template to any styling as well as JavaScript.
Note: Unlike XML, HTML does not allow empty tags like <div />, so a complete tag-set will have to be present in the template file.