NIPO ODIN Version 5.17
Open-ended answers in NIPO Fieldwork System surveys may be coded using Language Logic's on-line coding solution Ascribe. Ascribe imports coding projects using a proprietary (ZIP compressed) XML format.
An export to Ascribe requires that the survey data file is present in same the directory as the questionnaire that is exported. For a questionnaire NAMEQ , the data file should be named NAME.DAT .
Ascribe Export
Language If more than one language is defined within the questionnaire, select the language to use for the question and code labels in the export.
Codeframe file If the project was previously coded, the current questionnaire may not contain the required Code Frames. Select the Ascribe Code Frame file to use for coding.
Incremental Check this option if you plan to add the current export to an existing Ascribe project. Use this feature to add new data to an existing project.
The result file is called [surveyname] where surveyname is the name of your survey. See the Ascribe documentation for details on how to create a project from this file or how to add incremental data to an existing project.