NIPO ODIN Version 5.17Start module NIPO Conjoint MeasurementNIPO Conjoint Measurement definition *CONJ <position>L<length> This command marks the beginning of a module conjoint analysis within a questionnaire. The command must be put at the beginning of a line; it is used always together with the command A feature is for example the color of a product, and within a feature a level then is for example red (or blue, ...). The module for NIPO Conjoint Measurement in ODIN consists of 3 parts. In the introductory part the respondent is being asked to eliminate any levels that are unacceptable to him / her; the remaining levels then need to be ordered by the respondent from the first choice to the last choice and finally the respondent has to state by a number how important the difference between first and last choice was (for example the 2 choices are nearly equal in preference so the difference is not important, or they are very wide apart in preference and the difference is important). In the main part the respondent is shown a number of sets of 2 'profiles', a profile being a description of a product: the respondent has to state by means of a scale question which of the 2 profiles has the preference, and to what extend. Based on the answers given so far, utilities will be determined for all levels. Within this part the commands In the last part the respondent is shown 3 profiles, of which total utility rises, and he/she is asked to give a percentage to reflect the probability to buy that product. Using those last 3 answers regression-coefficients and a correlation-coefficient is estimated, and all utilities will be re-scaled. All 3 coefficients and the re-scaled utilities will be stored in the answer-file (the U-file). |