NIPO ODIN Version 5.17
Forward Slashes No Longer Separate Code Labels
In ODIN 4.08 multiple codes could be placed on a single row by separating them by forward slashes.
Example of ODIN 4.08 script using categories separated by slashes
*QUESTION 5 *CODES L20 *MULTI Which brand do you know?
1: Brand A / 4: Brand D / 7: Brand G 2: Brand B / 5: Brand E / 8: Brand H 3: Brand C / 6: Brand F / 9: Brand I
19: None of these
NIPO ODIN 5 uses *AUTO and *NEWCOLUMN to create columns of codes automatically:
Alternative in NIPO ODIN 5
*QUESTION 5 *CODES L20 *MULTI *AUTO Which brand do you know?
1: Brand A 2: Brand B 3: Brand C *NEWCOLUMN 4: Brand D 5: Brand E 6: Brand F *NEWCOLUMN 7: Brand G 8: Brand H 9: Brand I
19: None of these *STOPAUTO
Note: IN NIPO CATI the columns are only created if the page becomes too long to fit in the window. Since NIPO CAPI and NIPO CAWI are browser-based the height of the window cannot be decided; use *NEWCOLUMN to force columns where required.