NIPO ODIN Version 5.17Duplicate Interview Numbers in T-files No Longer ContactedWhen conducting a survey using T-files, with the introduction of NIPO ODIN 5 the NIPO Fieldwork System now checks if a completed (successful, definite non-response) interview for that interview number was stored in the D-file (the file containing the suspend images or interview 'recordings'). If this is the case, the duplicate interview number is flagged with response code 26. Only if there is no definite response code for that interview number, the record is reused. This means that replacing a T-file no longer allows the reuse of values. When using a T-file in the NIPO Fieldwork System, interview numbers can be preset in position 52L8 before starting a survey. These numbers need to be 8 digits with leading zeros and should be unique. The NIPO Fieldwork System does not distribute T-file records with duplicate interview numbers. Duplicate interview numbers are flagged with response code 26. |