NIPO ODIN Version 5.17
Specifies the format of number transfer.
*FORMAT <i[.f]>
Specifies the format of numbers from numeric variables when they are retrieved by the command *? or when converting a numeric variable into a text variable by *PUT .
i The minimum space to be used for the representation of the integer part of the number. If necessary, more space will be used.
f The maximum space that has to be used for the fractional part of the number; this will be filled with trailing zeros. If f is too small to display all decimals, these will be rounded. The maximum number of decimals is 4. The default is 0.
*TAB 30 *TEXTVARS Number, Price, PricePerFax *FONT 0 "10 Arial"
*QUESTION 1 *FORM 1:Number of fax machines bought: *NUMBER 61L3 *SAVE Number
2:Total price paid: € *NUMBER 64L4.2 *SAVE Price
*FORMAT 3.2 *PUT PricePerFax [Q1F2 / Q1F1]
*QUESTION 2 *CODES 70L1 You bought *? Number fax machines for € *? Price?
So the average price per fax machine was € *? PricePerFax ?
1: Yes 2: No