NIPO ODIN Version 5.17

*NUMBER (question type)


Defines a numerical question.


*NUMBER [pos]L<length>[.fraction]|<pos>


This command is always used in combination with *QUESTION and must be specified behind this command on the same line. Defines a question as a numerical question and expects a number as an answer.


The data field specification where the given answers is stored in the data file with the closed answers.

The length of the data field. The length of the data field defines the number of digits of the maximum value of the question. In case of a floating point value, the length of the data field is length+fraction.

The number of decimals that is allowed to be entered in a floating-point value. The fraction is stored in the data field without the decimal separator. Which separator (point or comma) is to be used by the interviewer or respondent depends on the regional configuration settings.


  • The answer is right-aligned and stored with leading zeros in the answer field.
  • The answer can consist of an integer or a floating-point value, as defined in the data field specification.
  • The decimal point in the syntax is never stored in the answer record.
  • The maximum value can be set with the *MAX or *RANGE command, but is also limited by the number of positions in the data field.
  • The minimum value can be set with the *MIN or *RANGE command.
  • Negative values can only be entered when the *MIN or *RANGE command is defined with a negative value.
  • Negative values are stored with a preceding minus sign in the data file. Note that you may require an extra position in the field definition.
  • Positive values are stored without sign.


What percentage of your income do you spend on clothing?

In this example, you can enter a value with two decimals, for instance 60.75. In the data field 06075 is stored in 5 positions.

See Also