NIPO ODIN Version 5.17

*OPEN (question type)


Defines an open question.


*OPEN [pos]L<length>|<pos>


This command is always used in combination with *QUESTION and must be specified after this command on the same line. It defines a question as an open question that expects an alpha-numerical answer. This open answer can be of virtually unlimited length. The answer is stored in a separate data file for open answers (surveyO). During or after fieldwork, such open-ended answers may be coded using the NIPO Coding Module or Nfield Code. Although the answer are not stored in the data file (U-file) with the closed answers, you must reserve data positions in the U-file. It is recommended but not required to reserve positions that will be used for merging the coded open-ended answers.


The start of the data field reserved in the U-file. This position is also be used as identification to match O-file open-ended answers with a U-file data position, to enable coding open answers using Nfield Code or the NIPO Coding Module.

The length of the data field.


  • A text box appears in which you can type the complete answer. Typing is finished when the OK or Cancel button is pressed.
  • Optionally the command *MULTI may be added. This has no influence on the interviewing process. When coding open answers the question will be treated as a multiple-coded answer question.

Example 1

Do you have comment or remarks regarding this questionnaire?

In this example, you can enter any text. This text is stored in the O-file. No codes are stored in the U-file, so the related data field (61) remains empty. It is however used to reserve some space for coding open-ended answer. Because of the *NON command, it is also possible not to enter anything in which case no open ended answer are stored.

Example 2

*QUESTION 2 *OPEN 62L100 *MULTI *BUT 100 "No suggestions"
Do you have any suggestions on how to improve this product?

In this example, you can enter any text. This text is stored in the O-file. The positions reserve space to code open-ended answers afterwards (maximum 100 categories, multiple). If the button No suggestions is pressed, no open answer is stored, but code 100 is marked in the data file.

See Also