NIPO ODIN Version 5.17

*OPEN (codes option)


Specifies a code as an open code.




This command is always used after a code definition and must be specified after this code on the same line. Specifies a code as open code and expects, if the code is part of the answer, a literal answer that can be of virtually unlimited length. The entered answer is stored in a separate data file for open answers (surveyO).


  • A text box appears in which you can type the complete answer. Typing is finished when the OK or Cancel button is pressed.
  • This codes option is not allowed for code 0 in single-coded questions.


Do you live in Amsterdam or somewhere else?

1: Yes, in Amsterdam
2: No, somewhere else *OPEN

In this example, if answer 2 is selected a location can be entered. This text is stored in the O-file, while the code (2) is stored in the U-file. It is recommended to reserve code space for coding, which is why 3 positions are reserved (allowing for a maximum of 999 different countries).

See Also