NIPO ODIN Version 5.17
Displays answer categories rotated.
*ROT [[pos]L<length>|<pos>]
This command is always used in combination with a *CODES question or *REPEAT block and has to be on the same line as the question definition. The codes and their labels are shown in rotated order on the screen, starting randomly from any of the available answer codes. Then the next codes follow in sequence, up to and including the highest code. Next the lowest codes follow up to code where it randomly started.
pos The data field specification where the order of the displayed categories is written in the closed answer file.
length The length of the data field.
- The number of codes, of which the order will is saved, depends on the length in the data field specification. This has to be just as long as the number of codes to be saved multiplied by the length of the highest code. The order of appearance of the codes on the screen is stored in the data file with the closed answers.
- With
*NOCON answer codes can be excluded from the rotation.
*QUESTION 1 *CODES 61L10 *MULTI *ROT 71L8 What PC makes do you know?
1: Acer 2: AST 3: Compaq 4: Dell 5: Hewlett Packard 6: IBM 7: Philips 8: Tulip 9: Other *OPEN *NOCON 10: Don’t know *NMUL
In this example, all mentions are stored in position 61L10. In the answer field behind *ROT the codes for the first 4 codes on the screen are stored. The last two codes are not rotated along and are always displayed at the bottom of the code list.