NIPO ODIN Version 5.17



With this command variables in the NIPO ODIN questionnaire can be linked automatically with field names in the Sample table.


*SAMPLEDATA var1,var2,…


The variable in the NIPO ODIN questionnaire is filled automatically with the contents of the matching database field when starting the interview. The fields in the database table are updated with the contents of the variable when closing the interview for a final (non-)response or an appointment. In every other aspect, a sample data variable works just like a regular NIPO ODIN variable.


  • When using a telephone file, sample data variables are mapped to positions in system fields. In this case, no custom fields can be used.
  • Default (system) fields in the sample table must be prefixed with TT. For example, to retrieve the telephone number from the sample table, use TTTelephoneNumber.



According to our database the region is *?Region.

Assumes that the sample table for survey A1234 contains a field called Region.

See Also