NIPO ODIN Version 5.17



Makes the display of columns and texts in a grid question dependent on answers to a previous question.




This command is always used in combination with a *FORM *GRID question and has to be on the same line as the question definition. This command controls the display of answer columns and texts in a *GRID question dependent on answers to a previous question. This previous question is referred to by means of Qn.


The reference to the control question where n is the number of the question.

Only answer codes that were mentioned in the control question are being displayed.

Only answer codes that were not mentioned in the control question are being displayed.


  • Make sure that the control question and the current question have matching sets of answer codes. Codes that are suppressed as a result of this command, can not be part of the answer. When all codes are suppressed the question is skipped.
  • The column header texts above the grid columns have to be positioned by using tabs.
  • IN NIPO CATI and NIPO CAPI, the controlled columns are removed from the screen and the rest of the columns will shift to the left to fill the gaps.
  • In NIPO CAWI, the controlled columns are not removed but disabled (check-boxes are displayed in gray and can not be selected).

Example 1

Which of the following Dutch beer brands did you ever taste?

1: Heineken Beer
2: Amstel Beer
3: Grolsch Beer
4: Bavaria Beer
5: Leeuw Beer

*TAB 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70

How would you rate the taste of these beer brands?

*FONT 1 Heineken Beer Amstel Beer Grolsch Beer Bavaria Beer Leeuw Beer *FONT 0

Very poor 1:*GRID 71L5 5.2 5.10
Very good

Note that there are tabs between column texts as well as in front of the *GRID code. All lines with text and in a tab-space combination.

Result in the NIPO CATI Client when selecting Heineken, Grolsch and Bavaria in Q1:

Embedded PNG Image Template (Styled)

Result in the NIPO CAWI when selecting Heineken, Grolsch and Bavaria in Q1:

Embedded PNG Image Template (Styled)

Example 2

Beer brands

1: Heineken Beer}
2: Amstel Beer
3: Grolsch Beer
4: Bavaria Beer
5: Leeuw Beer

*TAB 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100

Statements (multiple grid)

Heineken Beer Amstel Beer Grolsch Beer Bavaria Beer Leeuw Beer

1:Value for money *GRID 66L20 4.2 5.5 *MULTI

Good product

Must have this product

None of these statements apply for this product

Result in NIPO Web Client when selecting Heineken, Amstel, and Leeuw in question 1:

Embedded PNG Image Template (Styled)

See Also