NIPO ODIN Version 5.17
Scenario 5: Add New Respondents in NIPO CAWI Survey And Email Them Directly
This scenario applies the following directives:
- We have a survey called
Sqladd6 . - Respondent are interviewed in NIPO CAWI.
- In this survey we ask respondents, if they know anyone else who might be willing to co-operate with this survey.
- We will check if the Email-address was not already present in the Sample table.
- We will retrieve the highest interview number so far to create a new record.
- We will set the field
Switched in the Survey table to 1. The NIPO Fieldwork System then automatically sends an Email to the new respondent (using the cold-handover from NIPO CATI) - A maximum 10 respondents can be added in this survey.
Example NIPO ODIN questionnaire for *SQLADD: scenario 5
*VARS NewNumber, MaxNumber *VARS Count, Count2, Count3, Count4 *TEXTVARS Name, EmailAddress, CheckName *VARS NewStatus, NewResponseCode, Switched
*** In DisplayField1 the name of the respondent is stored *** In DisplayField4 the person who gave us this name is stored
*SAMPLEDATA TTDisplayField1, TTDisplayField4
***** The actual questions for the survey:
*QUESTION 1 *CODES 61L1 Your name was given to us by: *?TTDisplayField4
Do you like co-operating with on-line surveys?
1: Yes, I like it very much 2: Yes, I like it 3: No, I do not like it 4: No, I dislike it very much
9: Don't know \ no opinion
*REPEAT 10 *FIELD 62L820 *** Reset all counters *PUT Count [0] *PUT Count2 [0] *PUT Count3 [0] *PUT Count4 [0]
*** Ask for new respondent *** Jump out of the REPEAT-loop if no other person
*QUESTION 2 *CODES 1L1 Can you give us the name and Email-address for someone else who might be willing to co-operate in this survey?
1: Yes, knows someone else 2: No, doesn't know anyone else who would co-operate *END
*QUESTION 3 *FORM Type name and address for this person
1: Name *ALPHA 2L45 *SAVE Name 2: Email *ALPHA 47L35 *SAVE EmailAddress
*** Check if the Email-address does not already exist in the Sample
*SQLGET Count4 CheckName "SELECT DisplayField1 FROM SampleSqladd6 \ WHERE (Email='*?EmailAddress')"
*** If the Email-address already exists, *** give the respondent the choice what to do next.
*QUESTION 4 *CODES 82L1 *IF [Count4 >= 1] The Email-address *? EmailAddress, that you just gave us, is already present in our database. It belongs to *? CheckName.
1: Continue, send him/her a second mail 2: Continue, this person is someone else, using the same Email-address 3: Go back to change the Email-address *BACK 3 4: Don't sent a mail to *?Name *GOTO 2
*** Retrieve the highest interview number so far *** Note that you may not use MAX(InterviewNumber) in the SELECT *** but you may use it in the WHERE clause.
*SQLGET Count MaxNumber "SELECT InterviewNumber FROM SampleSqlAdd6 \ WHERE InterviewNumber = \ (Select MAX(InterviewNumber) FROM SampleSqladd6)"
*** Add 1 to the highest number and use this as InterviewNumber *** for the new record
*PUT NewNumber [MaxNumber + 1]
*** Initialize the Status and ResponseCode for the new record to *** 'Switched to web, not yet sent'. *** The ResponseCode '41' should be configured as 'SWITCH' *** via the NIPO CATI/Web Manager. *** Make sure that you create and configure a switch Email-text in advance.
*PUT NewStatus [7] *PUT NewResponseCode [41] *PUT Switched [1]
*** Now write a new record in the Sample table *** Save the new name in DisplayField1 *** Save the name of the current respondent in DisplayField4
*SQLADD Count2 NewNumber,EmailAddress,Name,\ TTDisplayField1,NewStatus,NewResponseCode \ "SELECT InterviewNumber,Email,DisplayField1,\ DisplayField4,Status,ResponseCode \ FROM SampleSqlAdd6"
*** Do not allow going back after the record has been added, *** as an Email will be sent immediately
*** Now set the field Switched in the Survey table, *** to let NIPO FMS send the Email
*SQLPUT Count3 Switched "SELECT Switched FROM Survey WHERE (SurveyName='Sqladd6')"
*** Show if record was added successfully in the Sample table
*QUESTION 5 *IF [Count2 >= 1] Writing new record *?NewNumber was successful.
*?Name will receive an Email shortly on his/her Email-address: *?EmailAddress
*** Show if record could not be added in the Sample *QUESTION 6 *IF [Count2 = 0] Writing a new record failed (*?NewNumber already exists?)
*QUESTION 9999 That's all