NIPO ODIN Version 5.17

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Errors Using *SQLADD

The following errors can not be detected by a syntax check in the NIPO ODIN Developer, and will result in runtime errors during execution:

  1. Using a database table field name that does not exist reports "[Error] Database field [Field] not found."
  2. Using a table without a primary key makes *SQLADD reports "[Error] Cannot add record to [Table], table has no key.
  3. Putting a value that is too large to fit in an int, smallint or tinyint at runtime and the record is not created. The issue reports "[ERROR] Database error in [Database]: Numeric value out of range.
    The allowed range for fieldtype smallint is -32768 to +32767; the range for tinyint is 0 to 255; the range for Int depends on the constraints that are set in SQL."

The following errors can not be detected by a syntax check in the NIPO ODIN Developer, and will not result in runtime errors during execution:

  1. Using more variables than field names or more field names than variables is ignored. The result values or fields are left empty.
  2. Text is truncated if it does not fit a varchar field.
  3. Storing text in an integer field will store value zero (0).
  4. Putting a value in a varchar stores the value as text rather than a number. The format depends on the *FORMAT command.
  5. The table name may be specified with or without the owner (e.g., TestSqlAdd or MyName.TestSqlAdd or dbo.TestSqlAdd). But even the wrong owner (e.g. NonExisting.TestSqlAdd) may be used, as the owner is set by NIPO CATI / Web Master.

See Also