NIPO ODIN Version 5.17AlreadyCompletedCodeThe checks for Interview Numbers with a definite response code in the D-file is executed when loading a survey. Fieldwork supervisor can check the messages and decide if fieldwork for the survey should be started or not. By default, T-records with a matching completed D-record are set to code 20 (System Error). The T-record is rejected and cannot be used for interviewing. To change this behavior, the following setting can be specified in the
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Example using a definite response code AlreadyCompletedCode=35 In this case, the T-records with a definite response in the D-record are reported, rejected and set to response code 35. Example using an indefinite response code AlreadyCompletedCode=36 In this case, the T-records with a definite response code in the D-record are reported but set to response code 36. The respondents may be contacted again and the interview resumes at the question where they were last interrupted. Example 3 using response code 0 AlreadyCompletedCode=0 In this case, the T-records with a definite response code in the D-record are reported but set to response code 0. The respondents may be contacted again and the interview is started from the beginning. |