Nfield Code Version 1.1

Introducing Nfield Code

Quantitative research is all about asking the right questions. And with those questions, the more you anticipate the likely answers, the better you can process quantitative results from your project. But you can't always know all brands for a brand awareness question, nor can you know what opinion the respondent has in store for you. That's why quantitative research tools allow open-ended answers to be given at selected questions. Any answer that does not fit the predefined codes may then simply be recorded - by typing it in on the keyboard, by writing it down on a tablet PC or by making a voice recording.

But however flexible as an opt-out the open-ended answers are, they come with a penalty. Before you can use them in any quantitative figures the open-ended answers need to be properly divided into descriptive headings. The process of categorizing open-ended answers under existing or new headings is known as coding.

Coding can be a laborious and time-consuming chore in the field of research, which nonetheless has to be taken care of with meticulous precision. Nfield Code offers a multitude in features that makes the coding process straightforward and efficient, with the focus on ease of use and fast data delivery.

In This Chapter