Nfield Code Version 1.1

The Coding Process with Nfield Code

A code project with Nfield Code may be started at any time during or after your fieldwork process.

Before starting, the data coming from your fieldwork department will need to be exported into an Nfield Code readable format. The exact procedure for such exports are described in the NIPO ODIN Developer documentation, versions 5.09 and higher. After importing the fieldwork data into Nfield Code and creating your code project file, coding can be started.

At any time during the coding process, you may...

  • Import new open-ended answers into your project that come from the fieldwork department
  • Split off parts of your job for team members, for faster, simultaneous coding
  • Have translators translate open-ended questions, Code Frames and their open-ended answers for languages you do not master
  • Merge your codings back into the fieldwork data, for reviewing the results in the statistical package of your choice.

Finally, at the end of a code project, you export your survey with its new Code Frames and codings to your preferred statistical software using the NIPO ODIN Developer.

See Also