NIPO Fieldwork System Version 1.14

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In this manual the following terminology is used:


Terminology Description

NIPO Fieldwork System for CATI / Web Interviewing

The complete NIPO Software system for CATI (telephonic) and Web interviewing, including the NIPO CATI / Web Master, NIPO Web Interview Server and NIPO FMS Server and Client and all NIPO CATI / Web Managers and NIPO CATI Clients and Web Clients.


Web Interviewing is sometimes referred to as CAWI (Computer Assisted Web Interviewing).


The complete NIPO Software system for CAPI (face-to-face) interviewing, including the NIPO CAPI Master, NIPO CAPI FMS and all NIPO CAPI Managers and the NIPO CAPI Clients.

See the NIPO CAPI System Technical Reference for more information about the NIPO CAPI System.

NIPO CATI / Web Master

The central server and the heart of the NIPO Fieldwork System which distributes questionnaires and sample records to the NIPO CATI Clients (interviewers) and collects answer files (data) and tracks and logs processes. It is managed using the NIPO CATI / Web Manager.


The central server in the NIPO CAPI System which distributes questionnaires and sample records to CAPI interviewers. It is managed using the NIPO CAPI Manager.

NIPO CATI / Web Manager

The application used to stop, start and assign surveys, track survey progress and configure the NIPO CATI / Web Master. The main function of the NIPO CATI / Web Manager is to monitor fieldwork.

NIPO Web Interview Server

The Apache Tomcat web server where the NIPO ODIN Demon and the NIPO ODIN Servlet are running, which enable internet communication between NIPO CATI / Web Master and the Web Client (a browser). Contrary to the NIPO CATI / Web Master, the NIPO Web Interview Server can and should be placed in the company DMZ.


NIPO Fieldwork Management System (FMS), used to configure and manage surveys, sample and interviewers. May contain any of the following components based on your current license:

CATI FMS (Telephonic Interviewing)

CAWI FMS (Web Interviewing)

CAPI FMS (Personal Interviewing)


The service that organizes the NIPO Fieldwork Management System (NIPO FMS). It is connected to the MS SQL Database server and services the NIPO FMS Clients.


The NIPO FMS Server is typically installed on the same server as the NIPO CATI / Web Master.


The client application of the NIPO FMS, used by fieldwork supervisors to configure and manage surveys, sample and interviewers.

NIPO ODIN Developer

The application to create, check and test-run NIPO ODIN questionnaires and to export survey data to your preferred statistical package.


The client application installed on the NIPO CATI interviewer workstations, used to perform telephonic interviews during fieldwork.

NIPO Watch Client

The application for NIPO CATI supervisors to watch and listen NIPO CATI Client interviewer workstations. This application is embedded in the NIPO CATI Client.

NIPO Data Entry Client

The client application for data entry typists to enter data from pen-and-paper interviews into a NIPO ODIN questionnaire. Includes a double- punch option to double-check data entry. This application is embedded in the NIPO CATI Client.

Web Client

The web respondent’s computer, which runs the NIPO ODIN questionnaire on their browser (Microsoft Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Safari, Google Chrome). This component is HTML and Javascript-based and does not require installation of any plugins.


The client application installed on the NIPO CAPI interviewer workstations, used to perform the face-to-face interviews during fieldwork.

Nfield Code

The application for researchers, script-programmers or coders to code open-ended answers during or after completion of fieldwork.


The component (embedded in the NIPO CATI / Web Master and the NIPO ODIN Developer) that syntax-checks and parses the NIPO ODIN Questionnaire.


The component (embedded in the NIPO CATI Client, NIPO CAPI Client, NIPO Web Interview Server and the NIPO ODIN Developer) that executes the NIPO ODIN Questionnaire.


The component responsible for communication between the NIPO CATI / Web Master and the NIPO Web Interview Server. Also used by the NIPO ODIN Developer during a CAWI preview.

NIPO HTML Generator

(or NIPO ODIN Servlet)

The servlet on the NIPO Web Interview Server that transforms the NIPO ODIN questions into HTML-code. Also used by the NIPO ODIN Developer during a CAWI preview.


The component responsible for communication between the NIPO ODIN Servlet and the NIPO ODIN Demon.

Servlet engine

Engine that runs the servlets on a web service, in this case Apache Tomcat. This is not a NIPO Software product. Check for more information.

Web server

Web server that enables internet access to web pages, e.g. Apache or Microsoft IIS. Note that the NIPO Software components can only run on an Apache Tomcat, but the Apache Tomcat may be linked to e.g. an IIS server.

Database Server

Database server running a Microsoft SQL Server. Optional for NIPO CATI but mandatory for NIPO CAWI.

File server

Central file server where survey data may be stored. You are recommended to use a local drive of the NIPO CATI / Web Master.

Mail server

Service that enables sending Emails, e.g. Microsoft Exchange Server. Used by the NIPO FMS Server to send invitation Emails for CAWI surveys or Switch-mode surveys.

PBX (Telephone Trunk)

An (optional) Telephone Switchboard to service the NIPO CATI Clients. This is not a NIPO Software component.


External hardware used to automatically dial telephone numbers. It replaces a Telephone Switchboard, connected to PBX or telephone trunk. The NIPO Fieldwork System can be connected to a dialer to reduce the time interviewers spend on dialing new telephone numbers and handling non-response. It also offers functionality for sound recording and playback and monitoring the call. The following dialers have an interface with the NIPO Fieldwork System: Invade, Invade with SYTEL predictive module, SYTEL and Authensis. Contact NIPO Software Sales for compatibility before purchasing a dialer.

Survey folder

The folder containing the NIPO ODIN survey files: The questionnaire file, the survey configuration file (INI-file), the optional stratification (quota) file, the collected survey data files and the contact log file.

NIPO ODIN Questionnaire file (Q-file)

The script that is created for each survey, containing the questionnaire logic. Also referred to as Q-file.

Sample Table

The database table containing the sample records, which may consist of either telephone numbers or Email addresses, or both. May also contain name and address information of respondents as well as background information with regard to respondents, if available. The sample is updated with response information during fieldwork. Each survey uses a separate sample.

Stratification file (S-file)

ASCII file containing the quota groups and quota limits for the survey. Also referred to as S-file.

Data file (U-file)

ASCII or Unicode file containing the pre-coded or fixed-size answers of respondents to a particular questionnaire. Also referred to as U-file.

Open-ended Answer file (O-file)

ASCII or Unicode file containing the open-ended answers to open-ended questions or semi open-ended questions in the questionnaire. Also referred to as O-file. The answers may be coded using Nfield Code.

NIPO ODIN Script Language


The NIPO Software scripting language to write questionnaires for NIPO CATI, NIPO CAPI and NIPO CAWI


The questions as they were presented to the respondent, using the routing depending on the answers of the respondent. Normally an interview will start with one sample record or a respondent clicking on a URL and will result in (at least) one U-file (data) record.


In NIPO CATI, the person who performs the telephonic interview. In NIPO CAPI, the person who performs the face-to-face interview.


In NIPO CATI and NIPO CAPI, the person who is contacted by the interviewer and answers to the questionnaire. In NIPO CAPI. In NIPO CAWI, the person who answers to the questionnaire using a browser.

Waiting Room

(Section of the) File server where questionnaires, templates, stratification files et cetera are placed by questionnaire script writers.

Each survey is saved in a separate subfolder of the Waiting Room. The NIPO FMS is used to transfer files from the Waiting Room to the Working Room.

Working room

(Section of the) File server where the NIPO CATI / Web Master or the NIPO CAPI Master store all survey-related files during fieldwork. Files are stored grouped by survey. Accessible through the NIPO FMS.

Exit room

(Section of the) File server where survey files are moved so they may be accessed by researchers for analysis and coding of open-ended answer. or coders can start coding open ended answers. The NIPO FMS is used to transfer files from the Working Room to the Exit Room.

Mixed-mode research

Combination of NIPO CATI and NIPO CAWI (Web) research, where some respondents are interviewed in CATI and other respondents in CAWI.

Switch-mode research

Combination of NIPO CATI research and NIPO CAWI (Web) research, where interviews that are started in NIPO CATI may be switched to NIPO CAWI. The switch may be forced in the NIPO ODIN questionnaire or may be initialized by the interviewer at the request of the respondent.

Cold hand-over

Switching from NIPO CATI to NIPO CAWI by the NIPO CATI Interviewer. In a cold hand-over, the NIPO CATI interview is suspended before the follow-up invitation is Emailed to the respondent.

Warm hand-over

Switching from NIPO CATI to NIPO CAWI by the NIPO CATI Interviewer, where the interviewer waits until the respondent confirms receiving the invitation Email.



See Also