NIPO Fieldwork System Version 1.14
NIPO Fieldwork System Features
Combined data collection for CATI and Web Interviewing
Use the NIPO Fieldwork System for data collection in both a CATI environment and for CAWI Interviewing.
Full use of market research tools
All common features used in our other systems apply to the NIPO Fieldwork System. This includes the possibility of setting quotas (stratification), displaying pictures in questionnaires and enriching data during interviewing.
All the facilities you need
The NIPO Fieldwork System offers all features needed in modern market research:
- Practically no limitations to questionnaire length, question texts and answer codes.
- Extensive routing, data validation and consistency checking.
- Complex logic and calculations.
- Rotations, randomizations and inversions of questions and answers.
- Dynamic question and answer texts.
- Language switching at the start of or during the interview.
- Support of all character sets (including Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Arabic, Hebrew, et cetera) through Unicode.
- Data processing and reformatting during the interview.
- Retrieve or update information from the sample database.
- Automatic sample, quota and response management.
- Easy access to ASCII (ANSI) or Unicode format input and output files.
- Sample tables in database format.
- Change quota targets on the fly during fieldwork via NIPO CATI / Web Manager.
- Watching and listening in on interviewers using the NIPO Watch Client.
- Speed up fieldwork using a dialer.
- Remote interviewers using internet communication between NIPO CATI Clients and NIPO CATI / Web Master.