NIPO ODIN Version 5.17
NIPO ODIN Template Using Adobe Flash
The NIPO ODIN template defines the HTML page in which the NIPO ODIN question is shown. For the specific question where the Flash application is used, there needs to be a separate ODIN template. This template contains the full HTML page layout including the JavaScript function in the header section of the HTML page.
Example NIPO ODIN Template file
<html> <head><title>NIPO Software Flash example</title> <script type="text/javascript"> function SendDataToJS(FlashAnswer){ // alert(FlashAnswer); document.getElementsByName('odinanswer0')[0].value = FlashAnswer[0]; document.getElementsByName('odinanswer1')[0].value = FlashAnswer[1]; document.getElementById("odinbuttonOK").style.visibility = "visible"; } </script> </head> <body><div id="ODINSERVLETINSERTIONPOINT"></div> </body> </html>