NIPO ODIN Version 5.17

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NIPO ODIN Questionnaire Using Adobe Flash

The NIPO ODIN questionnaire defines the specific question, where we use in-line HTML to set specific controls on items of the HTML page which should not be shown. The question number must match the template as defined in the previous paragraph.

The HTML generated by the NIPO Fieldwork System should be totally hidden to prevent interaction by the user. These fields will be filled in by the JavaScript functions. For this reason the actual fields, the category texts, the clear button and the back button should be hidden. Once the Adobe Flash application has activated the JavaScript function, the JavaScript function will enable the OK button so the respondent can proceed.

Please note that the font-number as generated in the HTML does not match the font-number in the NIPO ODIN syntax, but is renumbered based on the total number of defined fonts. In the example below you can see that *FONT 99 is defined, whereas the style for odinfontnumber-1 should be set to hidden.

Between the <OBJECT> tags you will need to specify the Adobe Flash SWF file.

Example NIPO ODIN Questionnaire

*FONT 0 "10 verdana"
*FONT 99 "10 verdana (255 255 255,255 255 255)"

*Q 10 *FORM
<<<!<style>.odinnumeric {visibility:hidden; display: none;}</style>!>>>
<<<!<style>.odinalpha {visibility:hidden; display: none;}</style>!>>>
<<<!<style>.odinfontnumber-1 {visibility:hidden; display: none;}</style>!>>>
<<<!<style>.odinbuttonCLEAR {visibility:hidden; display: none;}</style>!>>>
<<<!<style>.odinbuttonOK {visibility:hidden }</style>!>>>

*FONT 99
1: example numerical field *NUMBER L4
2: example alphanumerical field *ALPHA L4


See Also