NIPO ODIN Version 5.17Stratification files (S-files) for Omnibus Surveys (Using T-files)In case of an Omnibus survey, you can make a separate stratification file for each sub-survey. The main survey (the first NIPO ODIN questionnaire in the survey) does not differ from a regular stratification. For sub-surveys, however, 12 positions per sub-survey are reserved per T-file record to store stratification data. The T-file field reserved for the stratification of a particular respondent may look like the example below. Each field for the stratification is preceded by the survey name. The NIPO CATI / Web Master uses this name to determine the quota targets per sub survey. This example was taken from a record in the telephone file, starting at position 251.
The first seven positions contain the name of the sub survey. The ‘1’ in the next position means that the respondent answered the sub survey successfully. If another stratification criterion is defined on this position, the sub-survey is no longer presented to the interviewer if the stratification cell is full. The remaining 11 positions may be used for stratification information. Stratification files for all sub-surveys refer to the relative position in the T-file record. Position 1 contains the value one if the sub-survey was completed. Positions 2-12 may have been preset in the T-file, or may be filled by the NIPO ODIN questionnaire. Example of a Stratification file for Omnibus surveys 1: 1 (100) Total sub-survey about PC A start at the NIPO CATI / Web Master rewrites the stratification file as this: Result after a start in the NIPO Fieldwork System STSuccess: 1 (100) Sub-survey about PC Below is an example of a NIPO ODIN sub-survey using the stratification file. Example of a NIPO ODIN questionnaire for Omnibus surveys *QUESTION 201 *CODES 71L1 |