NIPO ODIN Version 5.17



Defines a page of text.




Defines a page of text. This command should be at the beginning of a line or under condition using *IF. The text consists of all following lines up to the first new command that is at the beginning of a line, excluding **, *? and *FONT (switching). During the interview this text is displayed. To proceed only ENTER or OK need to be pressed. The text usually contains an explanation for the next question or questions.

Example 1

And now some questions about snacks.

Did you have a snack today?

1: Yes
2: No

In this example, a short introduction to the next (set of) question(s) is displayed.

Example 2

*IF [ TMP = 1 ] *PAGE This text will appear on a separate page

After an *IF statement, you may immediately specify an *PAGE with text.

See Also