Nfield Code Version 1.1

Removing a Link with a Code Frame

At any time, you may decide that a link with a shared Code Frame is no longer appropriate, for example if the question requires a few codes that do no longer apply to questions that the question shares its Code Frame with. Removing the link simply copies the linked Code Frame.

To remove the link to a shared Code Frame

  1. Navigate to the Question Details Screen for the question for which you wish to remove the share.
  2. Click Remove link. A dialog appears:

    Embedded PNG Image Template (Styled)
  3. Select Yes to make a copy of the shared Code Frame. This will keep the codings intact. Select No to delete the Code Frame and uncode all open-ended answers for this question.
  4. Click Remove Link to complete the process.

Changes applied to the Code Frame will no longer apply to other questions.

See Also