Nfield Code Version 1.1

Sharing Code Frames

Nfield Code allows you to share Code Frames between questions. This is especially useful for questions that share the same codes, and in cases where you wish to apply changes to a Code Frame that need to be reflected in a number of questions.

Code Frame sharing comes with a number of advantages, but you should also proceed with caution: modifications to shared Code Frames such as changes to the code number, the code label and any merges or deletion of codes apply to all the questions sharing the Code Frame. This is not just with regard to the Code Frame, but also to the codings of the questions - actions such deleting and merging codes as well as appending open-ended answers and importing Code Frames may now uncode or recode open-ended answers belonging to several questions.

Because of the impact of changes in Code Frames, you may choose to remove a link to the Code Frame at any time. Always be aware of the Code Frame in use by a particular question. Shared Code Frames have a name, and the name is listed at the top of the Code Frame in the Code Screen and Question Details Screen, as shown below, where the name is "Advertisement Medium".

Shared Code Frame Name

See Also