Nfield Code Version 1.1

Editing the Question Details

There are a number of default properties to a question that define the coding and export behaviour of that question.

Question Details

Below, the question details are listed.

Question Coding Type
Defines the question type for this question. The options are:

Type What it does


Only one answer may be coded for open-ended answers on this question. Select OK to keep only the first coding.


More than one answer, up to a maximum (see below) may be coded for open-ended answers on this question

Do not code

This disables coding open-ended answers for this question. Changing to this question coding type clears previous codings of open-ended answers to this question.

Merge original codes on export
This is an export setting. If checked, an attempt is made during the export to store the new codings in the original data positions in the data file of this project. If not checked, Nfield Code exports new question variables for the question.

Max Codes Allowed
If the question is multiple, sets the number of codes that may be coded as a maximum for this question. The default is 99, which is the maximum amount of codings Nfield Code accepts for a single open-ended answer. When a maximum is set, a warning appears on an attempt to code more answers.

See Also