Nfield Code Version 1.1

Editing a Code Label in the Code Frame

Code labels can be edited in both the Code Screen and the Question Details Screen.

To edit a code label in the Code Screen

  1. Check your working language. Any code labels you change in the Code Screen are only changed for your working language, not to the Code Frame of the default language that will eventually be exported.
  2. In the area that contains the Code Frame, click on the code label text you wish to edit:

  3. Alter the text of the label. Press ENTER to confirm the change.

If the Code Frame was shared by other questions, all those questions now use the altered Code Frame. Take care when editing code labels - the new description should match previous codings of the selected code.

To edit a code label in the Question Details Screen

  1. In the area that contains the Code Frame, click on the code label text you wish to edit. This always changes the code label for the default language.

    Change Code Label (Question Details)
  2. Alter the text of the label. Press ENTER to confirm the change.

In the Question Details Screen, you can also directly add a translation for the currently selected code if required.

See Also