Nfield Code Version 1.1

Code Screen

The Code Screen is where you as a coder will be spending the lion's share of your time in Nfield Code. This is where you review open-ended answers one by one based on your selection and where you can code them according to the question's Code Frame. You can even modify the Code Frame on the fly while reviewing answers. For more information on coding, see Coding Open-Ended Answers.

Code Screen

The left-hand section of this screen lists all codes for the question's Code Frame. This is where codes can be added, edited, merged or deleted.

The top-right section displays question properties of the currently selected open-ended answer. For a full list, see the Question Overview.

The central section of the screen shows the currently selected open-ended answer, in the currently selected language if a translation was made for this open-ended answer. Just below it the selected Codings for this open-ended answer are listed.

Finally, the bottom section contains an overview of all codes in the Code Frame that match the current open-ended answer according to the autocoding search keys.

See Also