Nfield Code Version 1.1

The Toolbar

The menu toolbar gives you quick access to commonly used functions in Nfield Code. The toolbar appearance is dependent on the User Interface Configuration. The screenshot displayed here shows the toolbar with Large Toolbar Icons and Show Toolbar Text switched off.


Button What it does

Icon File Open

Open project file

Icon Save

Save project file

Icon Question Overview

Go to the Question Overview

Icon Teaming File

Go to the Respondent Overview for the current selection

Icon Answer Overview

Go to the Answer Overview for the current selection

Icon Code Screen

Go to the Code Screen for the current selection

Icon Question Details

Go to the Question Details Screen for the current selection

Icon Append Answers

Append open-ended answers

Icon Export to NFS

Export project to the NIPO Fieldwork System

Icon Import Teaming File

Import teaming file

Icon Export Teaming File

Export teaming file

Icon Log Off

Log off

All toolbar actions are also available from the File and View menus.

See Also