Nfield Code Version 1.1

Importing a Teaming File

After a team member has finished their assignment, their teaming file may be re-imported into your project.

To import a teaming file

  1. Start by making sure you have opened the correct project file.
  2. Click Icon Import Teaming File on the toolbar or select File > Import Teaming File... from the menu.
  3. In the dialog box, browse to and select the teaming file to open.

Repeat this process for every teaming file you need to re-import.

Importing teaming files unlocks the open-ended answers that were previously set to Locked for Teaming. If a teamed file contains codings for open-ended answers that are no longer locked for teaming in the main project file, a warning appears:

Not Locked For Teaming

Click Yes to overwrite the codings of open-ended answers in the main project file with the codings from the teaming file, click No to keep the codings in the main project file and click Cancel to cancel the entire import.

See Also